Saturday, June 05, 2004

Of Squash Racquets and Tempoyak
Bought my new squash racquet last night at One Utama - Head T-160 "The Power of Light" that cost me RM233 after 30% discount from the original price of RM339. The Royal Sporting House also gave RM 20 vouchers to boot. Tried playing with it today at the Lake Club. As usual, everytime you hit about in those squash courts, a senior member would come up and ask for a game.."Young Man, how about a quick game?" Gulp! THat usually spells trouble, for although the member may be well into his 60's, he would use more skill & experience rather than brute strength to give yours truly, a truly great runaround in the courts! Yes, even my ultra light T-160 Head racquet was no match for "Uncle Looi"! Funny enough, I started dreaming of tempoyak in the last set!..aah..tempoyak..some love it, most loathe it! Been trying to get instructions on how to make this from my mum. It's durian season in Lenggeng and dad's been transporting durians, mangosteens and rambutans from the dusun. But tempoyak seems easy enough to make...but beware! explosions can happen! I guess that's why durians & tempoyaks are banned from hotels, planes, trains and buses. If the 9-11 terrorists knew about tempoyak well....
Anyway, time to make some!!

I actually found a discussion on tempoyak in Google: index.php?showtopic=23925&view=getlastpost

Mum's Instructions on How to Make Tempoyak
-Remove Durian flesh with fork and put into bottle.
-Add one teaspoon of salt on top, fill only half the bottle.
-Loosely cover bottle with paper for 2 days then put into fridge.
-Ta da! Tempoyak!
[Warning! Don't fully fill up the run the risk of explosions!]

How to Make the Sambal
- 2 chilli merah & 6 chilli padi.
-Tumbuk & put salt.
- That's it! How much simpler can it be?

Maybe I should start another Blog entirely dedicated to Mum's recipes...."Manja Mama's Recipe Online"?; "Minangkabau Secret Recipe Online"?..hmm...

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