Saturday, June 12, 2004

Durian Runtuh!!!
No, not the "Wall's Ice Cream" promotion!
We're well into durian season in Malaysia and they've been falling from the trees in our little orchard out in our little village of Lenggeng in the past 2 weeks. Funny how these durians started falling when mum's in London..hmm, I wonder if she planned it this way, because by the time she got back, the durians would have started the fermentation process and hence qualify to be tempoyak!

Well it's been a fairly busy week. Of all weeks, this was the one when my bosses from overseas decided to descend upon KL for one of their regular meetings. I took the opportunity to turn this into a good thing, and lined up several activities to keep them busy - we had bowling, dinner at the Sundanese restaurant, and even karaoke! Our GM had a rather peculiar request during karaoke though, he asked for all the different groups to sing their national anthems, which was really interesting as we got to hear the national anthems for the Philippines, China and even the "Flower of Scotland". Sadly our Australian colleagues could not work our whether to sing "Waltzin Matilda" or "Advance Australia Fair", which didn't really matter as they did not know the words to either song!

Squash! Yes..I'm really getting into the swing of this game again! Keep playing twice a week at least and I should improve. I'll have to pluck up more courage to play at the Lake Club though...playing with different people really helps.

Around the world, an eventful week. While the former World War II Allies celebrated the 60th anniversary of the D-Day landings, the 40th President of the USA quietly passed away.As he was being laid to rest on June 11th, it was singer Ray Charles' turn to leave this earth.
For the rest of us, life goes on, and life will get pretty interesting with the start of Malaysian Idol and the kick off of the UEFA Euro 2004 Cup on June 13th!

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